Interested in prescriptive coaching? Following an annual plan with periodisation of training, preparing, enabling and peaking for those realistic goals agreed by rider and coach? There isn't an 'easy' short-cut to achieving those goals, it involves taking a realistic look at what can be achieved, after assessing the level of fitness you are at, then setting heart-rate zones and determining the efforts required to achieve adaptation and improvement. Utilising the components of fitness, identifying the weakness and strengths, developing and managing a plan designed to deliver improvement and achievement of the SMARTER goals. It's not all about fitness either, there are also tactics and race-specific skills that may require development. Availability of laboratory tests and scheduled periodic benchmark testing, both indoors and out.
Pricing - you can find coach sites that will offer much more expensive rates and still only offer Monthly plans. I provide Weekly Plans - each week the rides are reviewed and changes made to prepare for the goals agreed. Weekly planning also caters for any changes to circumstances. Communicating every week and providing feedback. The 'lower' comparable scale of fees doesn't detract from the service provided. I believe in providing an 'affordable service' enabling all riders to improve and attain their goals. I love what I do and want each rider to succeed - being part of that success is a big factor to us. See the Rider Testimonials page.
The process starts with a Rider Information and Lifestyle Audit, assessing what level you are at now, what you want to achieve, and time available to achieve the goals - we're not all cycling professionals, with the luxury of being 'job-free'. Family life also has to be taken into account - support comes from many areas.
Achieving realistic goals takes time and commitment from both rider and coach: there will be regular meetings to discuss plans with feedback; email and telephone access at any time during the prescription; face-to-face meetings as required; opportunity to witness local races providing feedback and future tactics/game plans; periodic review of the training plan and assessment of progression.
Analysis of data can identify areas to target training with a view to further increase performance.
An example of a small selection of data analysis power data available (Golden Cheetah).
Critical Power set by Performance Test - creating effective training zones. Reviewed every 6-8 weeks
Analysis of W'balance - indicating 'matches to burn' above CP and the ability to recover after efforts.
Quadrant Analysis, indicated on a scatter plot how you delivered the wattage during the ride.
Get in touch and I can get you started with the relevant forms and information I need to help YOU improve your performance.
Group coaching/Road & Time-Trial specific sessions contact me for further details
University of Portsmouth Laboratory testing (contact me for latest pricing):
Bike sub-maximal test preliminary health screen, blood lactate profile, efficiency, economy, fuel use, training zones, report £150 Bike Maximal test preliminary health screen, maximal oxygen uptake, maximum heart rate, peak power output, report £100 Bike combined test sub-maximal & maximal test £175 Bike complete test combined test, with anthropometry & body composition, lung function, haematocrit & haemoglobin £200
There are often opportunities to take part in laboratory studies at reduced costs/free.........