Southern Junior Cycling Development Programme
A development programme to enable Youth A riders to transit to Junior age group & then under 23. Riders remain with their 1st claim club throughout but commit to training within the Southern Junior Cycling Development Programme and competing in targeted races to aid progression. Training sessions & pre-designated group rides are delivered/promulgated by British Cycling qualified coaches. Road training is on pre-risk assessed courses. Safety briefings delivered prior to starts. Parental consent forms are required (under 18). The riders commit to targeting specific races & Junior series to aid progression - details regularly announced at group meetings.
It isn't a Race Team but a means for local riders to work together, particularly in targeted races/series, yet still have support from their club, continuing to represent their club. Funding/Sponsorship is welcome and will be sought, to assist with race fees, logistics and limited mechanical support (riders will still race on their own bikes).
This activity is dependent on 'demand' and once sufficient rider numbers get in touch, then prescribed rides on pre-determined routes are promulgated on a dedicated Southern Junior Cycling Development Group Facebook 'group page' where further details can be found.
If you're interested, please get in touch Contact Me