The facts - what you need to know about the 11 ADRVs.... [Anti-Doping Rule Violation]
There are 11 ADRVs. All 11 apply to athletes, two (in bold) also apply to athlete support personnel and five (in bold) also apply to athlete support personnel and other persons. Apply to athletes only
Use or Attempted Use
Evading, Refusing or Failing to Submit to Sample Collection
Whereabouts failures
Apply to athletes and athlete support personnel
Administration or Attempted Administration
Apply to athletes, athlete support personnel and other persons
Tampering or Attempted Tampering
Trafficking or Attempted Trafficking
Complicity or Attempted Complicity
Prohibited Association
Acts by an Athlete or Other Person to Discourage or Retaliate Against Reporting to Authorities
What that means for you....
Athletes need to make sure they are fully aware of ALL the Anti-Doping Rule Violations and what the consequences are for breaking them. Visit our athlete support personnel hub for further information on checking medications, supplement risks, the testing process and much more. Refusing a test, as an example, could lead to four-year ban. And remember, ADRVs are just like the rules in sport - it’s out or it’s in, it’s an official time or it’s not - but that is not everything. Clean sport is more than rules - it is also how you train and compete in sport, and how you conduct yourself both on and off the field of play. If in doubt, check your National Governing Body’s website for more information on your sport's anti-doping rules.
Under the 2021 World Anti-Doping Code, an athlete may be determined as being either a “International-Level”, “National-Level” or a “Recreational Athlete”.
It is the responsibility of each International Federation to define what constitutes an athlete as being “International-Level” within their sport. Athletes are advised to check with their International Federation if they are unclear on whether they are defined as being an “International-Level Athlete”.
It is the responsibility of UKAD to determine what constitutes an athlete as being “National-Level” within the UK. Within the 2021 UK Anti-Doping Rules, an athlete that falls into any of the following categories is defined as a “National-Level Athlete”:
An Athlete in UKAD’s National Registered Testing Pool (NRTP) or Domestic Testing Pool (DTP). For more information on the Whereabouts requirements for the NRTP and DTP, click here.
An Athlete supported through UK Sport’s World Class Programme funding, or in direct receipt of a UK Sport or Home Country Sports Council Athlete Performance Award
An Athlete who is in or who in the last six months has been in a squad representing Great Britain, England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland (a) at senior level; or (b) at junior levels that are published in the dropdown list below
An Athlete competing at an International Event in an open senior category but who is not defined as an International Level Athlete by the relevant International Federation
An Athlete who is a member of the squads and has competed in the events listed in the section below
Additional categories of a National-Level Athlete (Criteria 4b and 6)
Recreational Athlete
It is also the responsibility of UKAD to determine what constitutes a “Recreational Athlete”. Under the 2021 UK Anti-Doping Rules, this is defined as:
An Athlete who is under the jurisdiction of the NGB and who, within the five years prior to committing any Anti-Doping Rule Violation,
has not been an International-Level Athlete (as defined by each International Federation) or a National-Level Athlete (as defined by UKAD);
has not represented Great Britain or any other country in an International Event in an open category; and
has not been included within any Registered Testing Pool or other whereabouts information pool maintained by any International Federation or National Anti-Doping Organisation
Any athlete (e.g. member of British Cycling, Cycling Time Trials) may be tested in or out of competition. This also includes: University Games, School Games and Junior National Events.
Falling foul of the rules will included being banned from:
Any National Governing Body (British Cycling, Cycling Time Trials etc.) events.
Training/using any BC/CTT approved centres and facilities (including affiliated clubs).
Receiving any funding.
Removal of all records achieved.
Removal of medals and awards.
Bans can be 4 years - Life. (2 years for some inadvertent violations - see UKAD website)